My journey!!

Thank you for visiting my quest towards a new and healthy me. It may take a village to raise a child but through wisdom a house is built and with understanding it is established! Again this is a new quest in my life; I am looking for support, encouragement, great stories and even pictures of your quest to a healthier you.

We can strenghten each other physicaly, spiritually and mentally. Lets see the power of unity as I live out my quest with you!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


OK.. this week has been very challenging for me. I worked this week so I was unable to workout twice a day. I can deal with that. But what took me back was for some crazy reason around 6-7pm I feel like a little person is hanging from my eyelids and keep slamming my eyes shut! Needless to say i didn't exercise all week. I stayed with my diet but i didn't have the power to workout. Yes I'm upset with my self but also trying to figure out... WHAT HAPPENED!!???!
 My weight has been steady 136 and that's good and understandable because one issue is that i haven't been eating enough calories. This is hard!! Usually I don't  like eating when I'm not hungry, so at times I'm forcing myself to eat. They say that when you eat below your needed calorie intake you put your body into starvation mode ( don't feel like that to me but, ok). Also if that happens as far as weight is concerned you wont lose even if you exercise. That's probably why my weight has been stable. My 134 weight goal is not to far off. If I'm able to eat enough calories go down to 134 and continue weight lifting that should work so that  I wont lose to much junk in the trunk action! ;) Today I'm back on track.
We shall see, thank goodness this is a journey.....

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