My journey!!

Thank you for visiting my quest towards a new and healthy me. It may take a village to raise a child but through wisdom a house is built and with understanding it is established! Again this is a new quest in my life; I am looking for support, encouragement, great stories and even pictures of your quest to a healthier you.

We can strenghten each other physicaly, spiritually and mentally. Lets see the power of unity as I live out my quest with you!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

The beginning! July 12

Today I am beginning a new journey. I've done this before about eight years ago; but this is different. I am excersing again! What started this journey? Well growing older, being married with children and about to graduate from college ( undergraduate) I was asked a question. The question was;"What makes you happy?" To be honest I stumbled at the question being so because it was very unexpected and also at that time I could not think of an answer. That had me re-evaluating my life. I did not beat myself up about it to bad because prior to the question I had alot of challenges in my life so the "me factor" was really cloudy.

So I sat back on the question and here is my answer... I love to talk to rejected people. You know the homeless person sitting at the gas station or the "normal person" who does not know what to do with their life so they sit alone with their head down in dismay? Ok THAT BRING ME JOY  to just sit with the person and maybe just listen, buy them something to eat or tell them there is a better day coming. Ok you're wondering what does this have to do with fitness... NOTHING. But my point is I needed to find what makes me happy, what brings me joy and possibly ( hopefully) it will bring joy and hope to others!

So (present tense :))... I remembered that I enjoyed going to Balley's to workout. One day my husband and I was watching TV and stumbled on this infomercial of this workout video called Insanity. WOW, was this dude (the creator of the workout) crazy or what! They was going up and down, fast.., left and right. Well needless to say I was sold. I met this great person off of YOUTUBE and watched her workout journey using the video I purchased I was like;"I have to meet her!" I hooked up with her on Facebook and she has been a great help to me and my journey (thanx Selena !!!) 
So along with my Facebook/ Internet friends and during my personal time I am doing The Insanity workout for the required 60 days and I am not looking back! Below is my beginning stats and I will keep everyone posted with my Quest to a better lifestyle!!! 

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