My journey!!

Thank you for visiting my quest towards a new and healthy me. It may take a village to raise a child but through wisdom a house is built and with understanding it is established! Again this is a new quest in my life; I am looking for support, encouragement, great stories and even pictures of your quest to a healthier you.

We can strenghten each other physicaly, spiritually and mentally. Lets see the power of unity as I live out my quest with you!

Friday, December 24, 2010

sassy water?!

Ok, so two weeks ago i tried this water called Sassy Water. I found it on Preventions web site and thought I'd try it. Nothing deep just: lemon, cucumber and ginger...and 2 liters of water. You make it the night/day before let sit in the frige and you have to drink it all in the same day. This is to done for 4 days.Well i took pictures and did daily weighs; oh yeah the water is to take away water weight thats it. To my surprise it worked! These are my results:
day 1: 137
day 2: 136
day 3: 134
day 4: 133
 Very interesting my belly went down like everyday. I also stayed away from the foods that cause bloating such as; chewing gum, salt, beans, fruit that has high acid, apples, wheat bread, if i consume more than the equvalent of 8 slices per week, anything  that would give you gas... oh and the Sassy water was the only liquid I drank. When i first read about it, it sounded weird but it didnt really taste like nothing.
 So Im going to continue to drink it now and again to keep the belly in control as something different to drink and as a drink option when go out for dinner. :)

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